New Opportunity page

Highlights panel
Drag and drop side tabs


A quote is a record showing proposed prices and other information for products and services. You can create a quote from an opportunity and its products.

Apex Triggers for ContentVersion

Apex triggers can now be associated with ContentVersion.

Partner Portal Users No Longer API Enabled

New partner portal users no longer have automatic access to the API. Administrators must enable access to the API for each new user as needed.

Introduction of Aggregate Functions in SOQL.

AVG() : Returns the average value of a numeric field.
COUNT_DISTINCT() : Returns the number of distinct non-null field values.
MIN() : Returns the minimum value of a field.
MAX() : Returns the maximum value of a field.
SUM() : Returns the total sum of a numeric field.

Entitlement Management

Entitlement management lets the support reps:
Verify if customers are eligible for support
Create and maintain service contracts for customers
Specify unique service levels for each customer, such as first response and resolution times
Enforce service levels with time-dependent, automated processes that instruct reps how to resolve cases


Answers is the newest feature of the Community application that lets community members ask questions, post replies, and vote whether they like or dislike a reply.

Work with Portal Button on Accounts and Contacts

Now, Customer Portal and Partner portal have a single drop down button ‘Work with Portal’ to support options such as View Portal User, Disable Portal User, Login as Portal User.

Portal Health Check

In Spring ’10, administrators can use portal health check reports to easily monitor the access to the portals by customers or partners. Portal health check reports show the security-related portal settings and provide information which can be used to improve portal security.

New API Object for Articles

With inclusion of the new API object , KnowledgeArticleVersion Articles can now be retrieved through API.

Enhanced Security for Custom Object Permissions

With Spring ’10, users will not get access to custom objects automatically. The “Read,” “Create,” “Edit,” “Delete,” “View All,” and “Modify All” permissions are disabled for any profiles in which .“View All Data” or “Modify All Data” is disabled.

The New Report Builder—Developer Preview

Available only in Developer edition and works only with tabular reports. This new report builder is an alternative to the report wizard for creating and editing reports. The report builder interface consists of three resizable panes:
i. Fields Pane :
ii. Filters Pane :
iii. Preview Pane :

View Dashboard’s Running User

Wiith Spring ’10, the running user is shown in the new Displaying data as field when viewing or editing a dashboard.

New Visibility Option for Report and Dashboard Folders

A new visibility option , ‘This folder is accessible by all users, except for portal users’ is added for report and dashboard folders.

Apex code enhancements

i. The Apex scheduler (Code Scheduler) is now generally available.
ii. Limits on the number of items in a collection has been removed. However, there’s still a
general limit on heap size.
iii. Generic collection is now supported.
Eg : Set foo = new Set();
iv. Line numbers also display in the detail view of the Apex triggers and class.

Multilevel Master-Detail Relationships

Master – detail relationships are enhanced to include multiple levels such as master-detail-subdetail.

Lookup Filter Beta Enhancements

With Spring ’10, following enhancements have been made:
– Define optional lookup filters
– Support for lookup filters that reference assets, entitlements, quotes, and service contracts,
which wasn’t available earlier.
– Select Profile Names in Filter Criteria.

Workflow for Sites

With inclusion of Site object for creation of workflow rules, one you can create rules that trigger email alerts when certain site-related criteria such as daily bandwidth, request time, monthly page views allowed etc are met.

Authenticated Sites Generally Available

With Spring ’10, the ‘Authenticated Website User’ user license is generally available.
Unlike other portal users, authenticated site users don’t have roles, eliminating performance issues associated with role hierarchy calculations.

Sandbox to Production—Change Sets Beta

Change sets is a web interface which can be used to move configuration changes (except profiles) in addition to using IDE or the Migration Tool. This is currently in beta version and available in Enterprise, Unlimited, and Free Editions.

Delete support in Bulk API

Support for delete is now included in Spring’10 for Bulk API.
To delete records via Data Loader, use the Use Bulk API setting which has replaced Use Bulk API for Insert, Update, and Upsert setting.