Johny Johny
Yes Papa
Pvt Company
Yes Papa
Any Motivation
No Papa
Many Tension
Yes Papa
Do u Sleep well
No Papa
Onsite Opportunity
No papa
Boss Ki Galiyan
Yes PapaIncrement
Ha ha ha 🙂
Johny Johny
Yes Papa
Pvt Company
Yes Papa
Any Motivation
No Papa
Many Tension
Yes Papa
Do u Sleep well
No Papa
Onsite Opportunity
No papa
Boss Ki Galiyan
Yes PapaIncrement
Ha ha ha 🙂
Don’t just have career or academic goals. Set goals to give you a balanced, successful life. I use the word balanced before successful. Balanced means ensuring your health, relationships, mental peace are all in good order.
There is no point of getting a promotion on the day of your breakup.
There is no fun in driving a car if your back hurts.
Shopping is not enjoyable if your mind is full of tensions.
“Life is one of those races in nursery school where you have to run with a marble in a spoon kept in your mouth. If the marble falls, there is no point coming first. Same is with life where health and relationships are the marble. Your striving is only worth it if there is harmony in your life. Else, you may achieve the success, but this spark, this feeling of being excited and alive, will start to die. ………… …….
One thing about nurturing the spark – don’t take life seriously. Life is not meant to be taken seriously, as we are really temporary here. We are like a pre-paid card with limited validity. If we are lucky, we may last another 50 years. And 50 years is just 2,500 weekends. Do we really need to get so worked up? ………… ….
It’s ok, bunk a few classes, scoring low in couple of papers, goof up a few interviews, take leave from work, fall in love, little fights with your spouse.
We are people, not programmed devices….. ….” 🙂
– Chetan Bhagat
Friendship is not about “I m sorry “ its about “abbe teri galti hai “
Friendship is not about “I m there for u “ its about “kahan marr gaya saale “
Friendship is not about “I understand “ its about “sab teri wajah se hua manhus“
Friendship is not about “I care for u “ its about “kamino tumhe chhod ke kahan jaunga “
Friendship is not about “I m happy for ur success “its about “chal party de saale“
Friendship is not about “I love that girl“ its about “saalo izzat se dekho tumhari bhabhi hain “
Friendship is not about “R u coming for outing tomorrow “ its about “ nautanki nahi, hum kal bahar ja rahe hai “
Friendship is not about “Get well soon “ its about “ Itna piyega toh yehi hoga“
Friendship is not about “All the best for ur career“its about “bahut hua, abhi toh switch mar saale“
The Sony PlayStation 3 and Nintendo Wii both jumped into the game console ring to compete against Microsoft’s Xbox 360. Who is going to win?
Everyone’s watching to see how this battle plays out, because each company is pursuing a very different strategy. Sony and Microsoft are gunning for pure performance systems, while Nintendo is shooting at fun, playable games that rely more on its unique controllers than impressive graphics hardware.
The consoles’ prices follow the features and product strategy of each company:
Sony PlayStation 3
Sony’s PS3 is the most expensive at $500-600, because it includes a standard hard drive, a high definition Blu-ray optical drive, HD video output, Bluetooth wireless controllers, and–in the premium version–WiFi wireless networking.
Sony is setting up the PS3 as a PC alternative. Sony originally announced plans to ship the PS3 with Linux pre-installed, but currently user installation of “another operating system” is only a boot option. The PS3 is also the new HD core of Sony’s modern take on the stereo system, offering 5.1 Dolby Digital Surround and true 1080p high definition video playback from prerecorded Blu-ray movies.
Microsoft Xbox 360
Introduced last winter, Microsoft’s Xbox 360 is $300-400, uses a standard DVD optical drive, and only includes a hard drive and wireless game controller in its premium version. Microsoft recently updated the 360 to provide support for full HD, 1080p video output to match the PS3.
Rather than positioning the Xbox 360 as a standalone PC alternative, Microsoft pairs it with its plans for Windows Media Center, allowing the 360 to be used as a media extender to stream music and movies from a central Media Center PC.
Microsoft has plans to offer HD movie playback both with an optional HD-DVD player in an external box, and over the web through its online Xbox Live video store.
However, the Xbox 360’s optional, external HD-DVD player is $200, pushing the 360 up to the same price as the PS3. Further, the $300 core Xbox 360 systems can’t use Microsoft’s online video store because they don’t have the required hard drive to save downloaded movies.
Nintendo Wii
The Wii is the least expensive of the three at $250, and includes both Bluetooth for wireless controllers and a DVD drive, but will not be able to play DVD movies. It also lacks a hard drive. Instead, the Wii focuses on physically involving games using the wireless Wii Remote paired with the accessory Nunchuk controller.
The Wii Remote uses accelerometers to sense how players swing, point, and tilt the controller, encouraging game titles to incorporate activity. The Wii will also wirelessly connect to Nintendo’s DS portable game system, using its microphone and touchscreen as inputs for Wii games. While the Wii has no movie store, Nintendo has an online store that sells classic games from the Nintendo 64 and other previous game consoles.
The Last Generation
So which console is going to assume the lead, or will there be a tie? A half decade ago, many analysts projected a close race between the Sony’s PlayStation 2, Microsoft’s original Xbox, and Nintendo’s GameCube, but their prediction turned out to be wrong: Sony simply blew away the competition with its PS2.
This time around however, a number of factors have changed. For example, while Nintendo’s 2001 GameCube was also the cheapest console, its sales were hurt by a game lineup that mainly targeted the youth market rather than teens and adults, something Nintendo has attempted to address.
Here’s a quick look at the lessons learned in the last generation of consoles, how Microsoft got involved in console gaming, what resulted then, and what factors will determine how things work out this time.
Indian govt is thinking of issuing fully inegrated ID card to every Indian, this initiative is headed by Nandan Nilekani. Following is a small hilarious act on how the Life then would be as follows:
Operator : “Thank you for calling Pizza Hut . May I have your…”
Customer: “Helo, can I order..”
Operator : “Can I have your multi purpose ID card number first, Sir?”
Customer: “It’s he…, hold……….on…….889861356102049998-45-54610”
Operator : “OK… You’re… Mr Singh and you’re calling from 17 JalVayu. Your home number is 22678893, your office 25076666 and your mobile is 9869798888. Which number are you calling from now Sir?”
Customer: “Home! How did you get all my phone numbers?
Operator : “We are connected to the system Sir”
Customer: “May I order your Seafood Pizza…”
Operator : “That’s not a good idea Sir”
Customer: “How come?”
Operator : “According to your medical records, you have high blood pressure and even higher cholesterol level Sir”
Customer: “What?… What do you recommend then?”
Operator : “Try our Low Fat Pizza. You’ll like it”
Customer: “How do you know for sure?”
Operator : “You borrowed a book entitled “Popular Dishes” from the National Library last week Sir”
Customer: “OK I give up… Give me three family size ones then, how much will that cost?”
Operator : “That should be enough for your family of 05, Sir. The total is Rs 500.00”
Customer: “Can I pay by Credit card?”
Operator : “I’m afraid you have to pay us cash, Sir. Your credit card is over the limit and you owe your bank Rs 23,000.75 since October last year. That’s not including the late payment charges on your housing loan, Sir..”
Customer: “I guess I have to run to the neighborhood ATM and withdraw some cash before your guy arrives”
Operator : “You can’t Sir. Based on the records, you’ve reached your daily limit on machine withdrawal today”
Customer: “Never mind just send the pizzas, I’ll have the cash ready. How long is it gonna take anyway?”
Operator : “About 45 minutes Sir, but if you can’t wait you can always come and collect it on your Nano Car…..”
Customer: “What!”
Operator : “According to the details in system ,you own a Nano car,…registration number GZ-05-AB-1107..”
Customer: “????”
Operator : “Is there anything else Sir?”
Customer: “Nothing… By the way… Aren’t you giving me that 3 free bottles of cola as advertised?”
Operator : “We normally would Sir, but based on your records you’re also diabetic……. ”
Customer: #$$^%&$@$% ^
Operator: “Better watch your language Sir.. Remember on 15th July 2010 you were convicted of using abusive language on a policeman…?”
Customer Faints
Stage 1
‘Oh, how cool. My parents are getting net-savvy!’ This stage lasts for 30 seconds.
Stage 2
‘Aaaarghh!! They can see everything – my photos, my friends, my profile pictures, what my friends have said about my pictures, my wall!’
Stage 3
Deep breathing. ‘It’s okay. I won’t accept the request.’
Stage 4
Later that evening: ‘Beta you didn’t accept my friend request? I sent it to you this morning, will you please accept, abhi?’
Stage 5
For the first time in your life, you take an in-depth look at Facebook’s privacy settings. You realize that it’s very, very inscrutable. Two days later, your girlfriend posts the pictures of you and her at the party you went for last week.
Stage 6
Mom posts a comment on the picture/your wall, asking if this is how she behaves in public. Your friends shriek with laughter and you hide under the bed for a week. When you come out, you find your girlfriend has dumped you and will never face you, your parents, or any other friends in that party again.
Stage 7
You spend three days scanning every photo you put up, comment you made, note you posted, and quiz you took, deleting, deleting, deleting.
Stage 8
Mom discovers quizzes! The world finds out that she has a 98 per cent dirty mind; she is Surma Bhopali from Sholay; sings ‘Who let the dogs out’ in the bathroom; and her stripper name is Hot Chocolate.
You don’t log in for a month.
Stage 9
You finally log in again, and find that her entire friend circle – including your aunts and your dad – has joined the social networking site. They have been, via your cousins, going through your profile with a fine toothcomb. There are 17 friend requests pending.
Stage 10
Dad becomes a fan of Megan Fox. It’s followed by intensely aggressive reaction from mom. Aunts support her. Friends start taking screenshots of the discussion and forwarding it around among each other. You throw your computer out of the window.
On the serious side Should parents be on Facebook? The immediate reaction is negative, because we’ve got used to a certain level of privacy and freedom out here, and we’d rather not have someone looking over our shoulder disapprovingly.
But are you doing something that you’d be ashamed to share with your parents? If yes, why are you doing it at all? It may take some getting used to, but in the long run, it can be an opportunity to bond with your parents in a way that you had never thought of before.
Remember, they did figure it out on their own – doesn’t that deserve some respect? And won’t it be a lot more fun if you can help them through this, without embarrassing them or you? And once you know they’re around, thinking – even for 5 seconds – before posting is not such a bad habit. It can save you from making the blooper of a lifetime.
To ,
Dear Tintumol,
I love you. My dream I see you. Everywhere you. You no, I live no.
I come red shirt 2morrow. You love I, you come red frock. I wait down
mango tree. You no come, i jump train. Sure come…
yours lovely,
Std 1 B
Reply….by Tintumol….
Darling, your letter mama see. Papa beat me beat me so many beat me.
I cry. i cry. So no come to mango tree. No jump train. I love you.
See another day. I no red frock. Only green.
You love me, you love me you green shirt. Give I gift. I see you with pinkumol.
Where you go.. NO talk to her. Okay My dream also only you
The nose has a left and a right side; we use both to inhale and exhale.
Actually they are different; you would be able to feel the difference. The right side represents the sun, left side represents the moon.
Right side belongs to ‘hot’, so it gets heated up easily, left side belongs to ‘cold’. Most females breathe with their left noses, so they get “cooled off” faster. Most of the guys breathe with their right noses, they get worked up.
Also something useful, Yoga helps to recover from headache and to get refreshed … …
During a headache, try to close your right nose and use your left nose to breathe.
In about 5 mins, your headache will go. If you feel tired, just reverse, close your left nose and breathe through your right nose. After a while, you will feel your mind is refreshed.
Google, the name that crazes me and almost every techy .. What’s the next product ? We keep questioning or blogging around to find news. This time I am not posting any new product or innovation of Google, but here I post is a wonderful idea – a 3D Google Virtual Street Ride …
Google launched Street View in 2007. View street level photographs. Take virtual walks; pan, rotate and zoom through cities around the world. Google Directions help you to print / display path from one destination to other either via road or transit or public transport.
Lets combine these both, minds are craving right!. Ya I am talking about something like a virtual drive(not walk) from one destination to other. Just key in source and destination and google using its as usual good complex algorithm and street view data repository create a flash/video of the virtual drive. Just hit a play and sit back and watch yourself traveling.
Benefits (a few ..)
– Virtual drive prior to your travel gives a sense of confidence to drivers unknown to those locations
– You may haven’t visited Japan, France, NewZealand or many other street view enabled countries, but would like to view their famous places and have a virtual ride.
– Kids can enjoy the flavor of roaming back at home, Parents no more need to take them along all time.
Above are just few benefits, just imagine of a virtual drive of your famous destination and you will say “Google please do this for me”, a Google Virtual Street Drive ….
‘123456‘ is the most common password used by people on the Internet.
Obscenities, names of fast cars and even ncc1701 – the ship number for Star Trek’s Starship Enterprise, have made it to the list of top 500 worst passwords of all time. Compiled by, the list features passwords most commonly used by Internet users.
And topping the list of the most common password is 123456, followed by “password” in second place.
Other popular password choices were first names, repeated letters and numbers, pop-culture references. Even batman, bond007 and cocacola made it to the list, reports the Courier Mail.
The website said that almost one out of nine people use at least one of the passwords mentioned on the list, and one out of every 50 people use one from the top 20.
In fact, a study commissioned by digital communications agency @www found that an average adult had as many as 15 passwords to remember.
But 61 per cent of people used the same passwords for as many different accounts as possible in order to make life easier.
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