Ye Meri Life Hai - Chirag Mehta

Be Good & Do Good!

Month: January 2006 (page 2 of 4)

The 25 most difficult questions you’ll be asked on a job interview

Being prepared is half the battle.

If you are one of those executive types unhappy at your present post and embarking on a New Year’s resolution to find a new one, here’s a helping hand. The job interview is considered to be the most critical aspect of every expedition that brings you face-to- face with the future boss. One must prepare for it with the same tenacity and quickness as one does for a fencing tournament or a chess match.

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India wins the 2005 Deaf Cricket World Cup…

Team India wins, sounds of silence rent with cheers

As the mainstream version of the game is recently making headlines for the wrong reasons as controversy after controversy unfolds, these young boys have given the country a reason to be proud of.

India’s victory in the second edition of the Deaf Cricket World Cup at the K D Singh Babu Stadium in Lucknow on Sunday, beating England comprehensively by 79 runs, was a cause for cheer and joy for Gujarat cricket lovers as six of the final squad of 15, and three in the playing 11 belonged to the state.

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19/01/06 – Yahoo India News

News :~
World Bank team to visit Bihar
Indian American wins astronomy prize for clocking pulsars

Sports : ~
Michaella takes out Sania in Australian Open
Pierce becomes highest seed knocked out of Open
Asian challengers fade quickly at Australian Open

Technology :~
Oracle says Fusion package on track for 2008

Buisness :~
L&T Q3 net nearly doubles, orders jump

Eternal MagicSlate

Click on this link n follow d steps
Its a MagicSlate its spk wht ur heart wants to speak

Brain spots web flaws in milliseconds

VISITORS to a web page will work out whether or not they like it in 50 milliseconds, according to new research.

According to, boffins at Carleton University in Ottawa tested web page visitors to see how users made snap decisions about web page quality.

Gitte Lindgaard, who did the research, was surprised that the brain was making flash judgements about web pages almost as fast as the eye was taking in the information.

The research which was published in the journal Behaviour and Information Technology found that impressions were made in the first 50 milliseconds of viewing.

Volunteers were presented volunteers with the briefest glimpses of web pages previously rated as being either easy on the eye or particularly jarring, and asked them to rate the websites on a sliding scale of visual appeal.

The volunteers were able to spot the nice looking web pages from the rougher ones even though the images flashed up for only 50 milliseconds.

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Specialty of this year(2006)

Do you know the specialty of this year?

It starts with Sunday and ends with Sunday.
No public holidays on Sundays.
This year has got maximum number of Sundays and Saturdays.
So enjoy the least working year in your life!
2006 A year with a difference!

Ack:~ Kuldip Bhatt

Play George Bush

Drag your mouse to move GEorge Bush accordingly u want

Yahoo Extra Email Address Introduced

An extra email address is a second Yahoo! Mail address that you can use with your existing Yahoo! Mail account. No, it’s NOT a separate Yahoo! ID, or a separate Mail account. You can use both your primary mail address and your Extra Email Address to send messages from and receive messages at the same mail account. Click here to learn how to get your own Extra Mail Address.

Greatest paradox

A Law teacher once came across a student who was willing to learn but was unable to pay the fee. The student struck a deal saying, “I would pay your fee the day I win my first case in the court”. Teacher agreed and proceeded with the law course. When the course was finished and the teacher started pestering the student to pay up the fee, the student reminded the deal and
pushed forward the days. Fed up with this, the teacher decided to sue the student in the court of law and both of them decided to argue for themselves.

The teacher put forward his argument saying: “If I win this case, as per the court of law, the student has to pay me. And if I lose the case, the student will still have to pay me because he would have won his first case. So either way I will have to get the money.” Equally brilliant, the student argued back saying: “If I win the case, as per the court of law, I don’t have to pay anything to the teacher. And if I lose the case, I don’t have to pay him because I haven’t won my first case yet. So either way, I am not going to pay the teacher anything.”

So guys,….. wat do u think? Who is correct? the teacher or the student?

IIM to explore Singapore plans

BANGALORE: The board of governors of the Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore (IIM-B) will meet next week to discuss the human resource development ministry’s decision to turn down its proposal to set up a campus in Singapore.

“We will discuss all options (about offering courses in Singapore) at the meeting next week,” IIM-B director Prakash G. Apte said.

The Ministry Wednesday turned down the proposal from IIM-B, one of the six IIMs, India’s premier managements schools, saying that it should first focus on meeting the domestic demand.

“We have been told to first meet the growing demand for management graduates in the country before venturing outside. We don’t think the ministry has an issue if we offer short-term programmes overseas,” Apte said.

The board, headed by Reliance Industries chairman Mukesh Ambani, will meet Jan 20 to explore options for the institute’s Singapore plans.

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